My heart hurts raw
Pain runs deep within
Not so old wounds
Reopen... my heart cries -
Where are you?
Why couldn't you stay?
I'm empty, wishing
I was 'full' of you.
August 4 2011 should have been
A date of expectancy
Of pain, then pure joy
Now... an ordinary day
Where are you?
Why didn't you stay?
My baby, the salve
For my broken heart
On August 4 2011
I will nurse my aching heart
Folding my arms in emptiness
Wishing you were here with me
My heart hurts raw
Pain runs deep within
My heart cries - into eternity
"You are
deeply loved."
A poem of deep lament for my second baby lost, who was due to be born on August 4.
Abigail means:- Father's joy